Tuesday 25th February

We had great fun making pancakes today. We talked about the ingredients we would need and hoped we’d find them in the shopping bag. We talked about our favourite toppings and how to be safe when using the cooker. Everyone helped to mix the batter and had a go at pouring it into the pan before tossing, topping, rolling and gobbling their own pancake. No spills or pancakes stuck to the ceiling luckily!

Reading challenge: today we searched for phase 2 tricky words in our core books. Can you spot these at home; I, no, go, to, the

We are going to be thinking about pets this term. If you have a pet at home, or a friend or relative has an animal your child knows, we would love to share pictures. You can bring them in or email to the office.

Wednesday 5th February

Today we made a bar chart to show which bird we liked best. The children voted between three birds; magpie, blackbird and robin. They had to write theirs names on their voting slips and stick it to the board. We  took our results to sharing assembly, where some of the Hedgehogs stood up and spoke in front of the rest of the school.

We spent the afternoon in the outside classroom, where we discovered some road signs and spent time on the trikes and scooters. A crown from the dressing up box has inspired some ‘King Alfred’ role play too!

Reading challenge: can you find any words with the er/ir/ur sound in them? There are different spelling patterns, so careful listening when reading together is needed.

Tuesday 4th February

Today we welcomed Lizzie to our classroom, who came to see how the Hedgehogs are enjoying their core books. The children did some shared reading of Shake the Tree! They really enjoyed counting the words on each page. Why not try this with your book at home.

The children were then inspired to make books of their own, covering a wide range of themes with lots of enjoyable mark making, but also lots of thought into using letters to represent the sounds we can hear in words.

The bird-watching role play inspired a game of ‘bird hunters’ with some children making bird costumes and others noting the birds they had found.